Stichting SKAL is the control organisation for organic products in the Netherlands. SKAL is committed to the demonstrable reliability of organic products. The SKAL foundation has been designated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as the only inspection organization in the Netherlands. The foundation is independent and certifies organic farms by inspecting, taking samples and supervising. A product is organic if it is certified according to the applicable regulations. Certification is only possible if the product, and the entire supply chain, is under control. SKAL certifies all organic production in the Netherlands.
The promise of quality to our customers.
Some of our customers have the SKAL certification themselves, but in this day and age this is no longer enough and often, transporters associated with the customers process are also required to hold the same SKAL certification, allowing a supplier to truly evidence standards are met throughout their entire supply chain. As a trusted logistics service, Heebink took the necessary step of SKAL certification to go align with our customers requirements so that we too, meet the desired standards and regulations.
The SKAL certificate is an important step for Heebink to ensure the quality for our storage, especially because the standards that are set for the storage of organic products are becoming stricter. The controls and rules are increasingly tightened because organic products are very popular. J Heebink naturally wants to grow together with its clients and has therefore adapted its business processes accordingly.
SKAL Certificate auditing
- Description of business activities (storage and transhipment)
- Risk analysis
- Entry control procedure
- Procedure for separation between conventional and organic products/storage
- Procedure traceability
- Complaints registration