What is the average transit time

What is the average lead time per delivery? On this page you will find an overview of all transit times per country to which J. Heebink transports.

J Heebink veenendaal
Family business since 1970
Own customs department
English speaking truck drivers
Multiple local branches

What is the average transit time to central UK?

Our groupage service offers a transit time from the Netherlands to central UK of 2-3 working days.

What is the average transit time to Scotland or Ireland?

Our groupage service offers a transit time from the Netherlands to Scotland of 3-4 working days and 5-6 working days to Ireland.

What is the average transit time to the Netherlands?

Our groupage service for a shipment from the Netherlands to the Netherlands offers a transit time of 1-2 working days. For shipments from the UK to the Netherlands offers a transit time of 2-3 working days.

How much free time is included in the quotation?

Generally speaking we allow 1 hour of free time for all groupage and part loads and 2 hours for all full loads before demurrage is chargeable.